Tuesday, April 29, 2008

more inspiration

: : this is what I want in our living room. one wide shelf off the ground [easy cleaning] stacked with books, paintings, flowers...and rocks. I really like the concrete. that would take one strong wall though. I think I have to go with wood. via .elle decoration blog.
this cheers up a kitchen!
I like the idea of storing stuff in the clear bottles. I'll start buying clear milk bottles from now on just for that. and a friend at work suggested I buy this one wine bottle with a resealable cork, and use for storing grains, rice, pasta etc. via .bloesem.


: : I love rocks. so does my Swedish friend .linn. our favorite place to go, is .rockport. where the beaches are covered in soft round rocks. I can't wait to go there this summer, and bring some rocks with me home to keep on our porch and around the house.

Monday, April 28, 2008

color guide

: : I just went through the entire color guide on domino magazine's website. I'm mainly trying to figure out a color for the bedroom. that seems like the most important color to me. the others I can go bold with, but the bedroom I want to have a calmness to, with maybe some color pops here and there.

I, of course, love this orange, especially paired with the beige. I could see something like this in the living room. maybe with a long stark white shelf running along the top edge of the beige. with frames, prints and paintings on top.
I love this really pale green. almost like celery. paired with the white molding. this might be suitable for the bedroom.
I am completely in love with this kelly green color. and so fresh with the stark white contrast. love it!! you guys see my problem yet? I love too many of these colors, I don't know how I will pick. maybe this for the kitchen or dining room.

I also like these two last greens. they might work for the bedroom.

customize your ikea stool

: : found that first picture on the top left on a new blog .ellmania. that .emma. directed me to. if you can see that little stool in the photo, I think it's this ikea stool covered in an oil cloth fabric. I have a green version of that fabric at home. maybe the perfect application for it would be on a stool? maybe suitable for the porch? easy to wipe off.

Friday, April 25, 2008

white matters

: : the 'full contact' spice grinder was love at first sight. we have used it several times for inspiration at work, it speaks harmony, emotions, softness and is such a beautiful relationship between two pieces. since Iz has really been getting into cooking lately, he might see a need for a spice grinder. if so, this will be our choice.

the coink piggy bank is a necessity. coins seem to be falling out of all of Iz's jackets, pants, bags....I believe this is the solution.

buy these at greenergrassdesign

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

bedroom inspiration

: : I have always liked oh joy's bedroom. especially that blue pearl color. and I found the lovely pink yumiyumi print via oh joy. I think I would like that one for our bedroom.

Monday, April 21, 2008

inspiration for our new home

I really like the colors and the simplicity of this kitchen. via sasa antic

a wall of bold wallpaper! the kind of kitchen island that we're looking for. a mix of odd chairs around the table. via emmas
.harry bertoia. knoll chairs. how badly I want one like this one in white. via living etc

Saturday, April 19, 2008