Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gold Leafed Italian Jardiniere

Everyone I think loves a little green , something living ( or not ) in a room.

Do you have something you need to disguise
or you would rather not have to look at in your room ?
Perhaps a corner with wires to hide , ( a house guest, boyfriend, girlfiend )
or something else that is an eyesore ?
That's right, just fill you jardiniere (plant stand) with a lovely plant ,
place it in just the right spot , and then you can forget about it !

As a matter of fact, I am off to fix a little eyesore that I have sitting on my sofa right now.
Have a nice weekend.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Calligaris - Cadeira Eve Leather

Cadeira Eve Leather
A cadeira Eve Leather foi desenhada por Jan Sabro & S.T.C, para a Calligaris. É considerada como um Best Seller encontrando-se no nosso Top 10. Totalmente revestida em pele, transmite uma imagem de sofisticação e elegancia, a todos os espaços onde é inserida. Seja também mais um dos nossos clientes 100% satisfeitos.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Calligaris - Cadeira Wait

Relaxe e descanse depois de um longo e cansativo dia de trabalho nesta fantastica e confortavel cadeira. Com um design diferente enquadra-se bem em qualquer tipo de decoração, em pele ou tecido à sua escolha. Possui um pé cromado giratorio de elevada resistencia. Venha descansar nesta cadeira e recuper as suas energias.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Michael Aram - Acessories and Gifts

This is a beautiful vase by Michael Aram. It reminds me of a pair of truly unbelievable lamps that I placed in a clients home. They were art nouveau and the texture , shape and color of this vase reminds me of them.

Do you know anyone who is the MOON & STARS to you ?
Try these servers as a gift. It is the Moon & Sun by Michael Aram.

You should take a look at his site, he has everything from furniture to table service. He does so much with texture, I love it.
You will find things to use in a contemporary as well as traditional environment.
Michael Aram has also designed for Waterford, I know that you can see some of those pieces at Bloomingdale's.


Não há habitualmente celebração de vulto em que o champanhe não esteja presente, tendo-se tornado sinonimo de festa ou celebração, prestigiados em todo o mundo são os Champus, reconhecidos graças ao seu design.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the good life

: : it's been a week since we returned from Sweden already. I look at the photos every day wishing I was still sitting on the dock by the sauna with my feet in the water. the two weeks we did spend at home were wonderful! .Iz. spoke Swedish the whole time! He deserves an award. There were family olympic tournaments, croquet championships, water ballet, sailing, kayaking, tennis, golf. And a lot of time spent eating and drinking, enjoying the company of relatives and friends. I will share more photos soon. This past week of work has been very hectic though and I've barely unpacked my suitcase.

I'm hoping for a few more weeks of sunny warm weather here in Boston, summer ain't over yet!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Personalize with Accessories, Take These BABY RATTLES

Personalize with Accessories
When I am working on a clients home, after making sure that all the
Basics are taken care of …..them comes Accessorizing.

The thoughtful part, the time consuming part,
And often the laborious part of design.

The fun part is the actual HUNT, and most times you have to
very carefully get it to the client‘s home in one piece if it is breakable.
Me personally, I don’t like breakable anything but what choice do I have?
If it is RIGHT, it is RIGHT!!

And I have always had great luck when ignoring the shop keepers
who want to wrap it up like a mummy in bubble wrap.
It seems to me it often increases the risk of breaking it just getting
the bubble wrap off that an overly zealous salesman has wrapped with too much tape.

I always have a lot of the big beach towels in my car.
Depending on the Accessory, I may roll up in a towel and place it behind
the front seat of my car on the floor.
It seems to brace it there.
If it is larger I just wedge it to death with all the towels.
You might carry a couple of old pillows in your trunk
when on an Accessory Hunting Expedition.

After all this……it’s always nice if they appreciate how ’brilliant’
the piece is for that particular space.
I was doing A Baby Doctors Home, hence the BABY RATTLES.

I was in Paris and saw these in a shop window and was so intrigued.
What in the world could they be?
They were beautiful.
They were antique baby rattles, and to me they looked like some sort
of jewelry.
They were made of sterling silver and some had ivory as well.
These were referred to as ‘Nanny Rattles’ because
each one would do something different, and the Nanny would use
these ‘Nanny Rattles’ to distract the infant.
Some rattles had whistles, some had quickly moving parts
( the sterling portions of the rattle ) including noise makers.
They were so great.I purchased about 7 and placed them in a bowl.
They were a huge success !
But, most importantly they were very personal and related to the Doctors Profession.

4UDECOR - Remodelações


A 4UDECOR é uma Empresa que desempanha todo o tipo de acompanhamento ao seu projecto, desde a informação legal, ao aconselhamento de materiais e acabamentos assim como as suas compatibilidades. Da nossa parte o cliente receberá sempre um Caderno de Encargos / Orçamento. Garantimos o cumprimento na integra do orçamento realizado, não havendo derrapagens orçamentais. Os trabalhos por nós executados vão desde Arquitectura até à Decoração / Design de Interiores.

Zona de Intervenção: Grande Lisboa

Contrução Civil: Ladrilhos, Alvenaria, Canalização
Colagens Papel de Parede
Ar Condicionado
Serralharia: Aluminio e Ferro
Tectos e Paredes Falsas
Desenhos de Mobiliario por Medida

Peça já o seu Orçamento Grátis:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Saturday, August 23, 2008

4UDECOR - Kartell


Kartell trabalha com os mais reconhecidos designers tais como Ron Arad, Antonio Citterio, Michele De Lucchi, Ferruccio Laviani, Piero Lissoni, Patricia Urquiola, Vico Magistretti, Enzo Mari, Alberto Meda, Paolo Rizzatto e Philippe Starck, que reconhecem o know how desta marca em materiais, assim como, a tecnologia dos plasticos e a sua capacidade de aceitar as inovações. Conta com mais de 50 anos de existência com produtos historicos no design internacional. Venha conhecer a gama completa na nossa loja em Cascais.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Friday, August 22, 2008

click on images for larger view

click on images for larger view