Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Elle interiör

: : to fill the void of .domino. I have started looking for another magazine subscription. there are a few good Swedish ones and other European ones I'm interested in. I thought I'd share them with you.

.Elle interiör. is one of my favorite Swedish magazines. Here are 3 things that I like about this magazine:

1. Inspiration for creative decoration ideas 2. The latest in interior design news, Sweden and the world 3. Fabulous blogs a part of their website and as an added bonus, I find their inspiration to often be very colorful!

Crazy For Shells

I only feel comfortable with a small dose of ' SHELL DECOR ', but as my mother would say;

" It takes a lot of different horses to make a horse race .''

This house is in Austin Texas. I would expect to find it in El Cid, just over the bridge
from Palm Beach, where there are absolutely charming homes.

This picture drew me right in...........and suddenly I wanted to post.
(remember, I have been feeling stale)
The shutters are gorgeous, and the new or old finish is FABOO !!
In the garden behind the house there's a grotto with a koi-filled pond as its base.
This is the fantastic fountain. The owner collected all these shells herself.

This mantle would be the envy of any Palm Beach - er.

I think this room is wonderful, although...........I would have used a much lighter hand while applying the shells on the mantle wall.

But again, I repeat my mothers words; " It takes a lot of horses to make a horse race ."
This actually could be a picture of a Via off of Worth Avenue , in Palm Beach, Florida.

Detail of a shell-covered chest of drawers.

I could see this chest as in a cabana bath, maybe for towels etc. Or maybe small night stands in a guest house ( by the pool ). As I have mentioned before, the Shell Chic look is very hot in Palm Beach. And for Palm Beach , this look will remain a timeless classic.

" Next to the grotto ( koi pond )is a boudoir dans le jardin, a tester bed frame also embellished with shells. Many Austin homes feature outdoor sleeping areas, with beds outfitted in comfortable mattresses, colorful throws, and stacks of pillows—throwbacks to the days before air-conditioning replaced open windows. " I love this idea.

And I certainly could use this in Boca Raton , Florida. For many months of the year, we have nearly perfect weather in the winter months.

My posts on Koi:

Article from:
Design:Landscape designer: Berthold Haas Design, 618 Lavaca St., Suite 11, Austin, TX 78701; 512/236-9645, bertholdhaasdesign.com. Shell art: Emily Haas, Shells on Twelfth, 512/740-1668, shellsontwelfth.com.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

Candeeiro Mesa / Table Lamp

SOON é regulável individualmente por um dispositivo que ilumina um número idêntico de secções translúcidas sintéticas que confere a cada modelo uma característica unica. A lâmpada da coluna vertebral consiste de uma banda dupla com isolamento de aço entre os diversos planos. Além de fornecer electricidade, impede também que a lâmpada se funda ao longo do tempo, independentemente da sua posição. O transformador está integrado na ficha, a luminosidade é controlada por meio de um comutador de duas fases. SOON está disponível nos sistemas de cor vermelha, azul e transparente e com uma base polida. Fonte de luz: 50W GY 6,35.

SOON is an individually adjustable fixture consisting of a number of identical translucent synthetic sections that give each model a characteristic yet alterable expression. The lamp’s spine consists of a double flat steel band with insulation in between. Besides supplying the power, it also prevents the lamp from buckling over time, regardless of its position. The transformer is integrated in the plug, brightness is controlled by means of a two-phase switch. SOON is available in the colour schemes red, blue and transparent and with a polished base. Light source: 50W GY 6,35.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Life Of Two Rileys

As I mentioned in my last post, I am feeling a bit jammed up.

Not just creatively, but emotionally as well.

I feel as though there is something in the wind....
and I am not sure if that wind will be a good one,
or a bad one when it finally blows through.

Enough about me ........let's get back to you.
I looked everywhere, and finally found this little gem of an idea/inspiration photo for you.
Is this not the best ??? This certainly looks and feels to me , like 'The Life Of Riley' for these two.

If you had banquette seating in your kitchen, and a beloved dog, would you want this in your house ?

I have done this for a client, it is not that costly if you have a Carpenter that you work closely with.
BTW - the seat cushion fabric is what I have on my kitchen chairs.

? The Life Of Riley :http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0041590/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Life_of_Riley
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

rumah dijual

Jenis Properti: rumah
Alamat No.389 jantung Green - The Taman Lippo Desa / Karawaci Tangerang
Kota Tangerang
Kontak (Telp / Hand Phone) Themmy - 08161108067
Harga 250 juta
Luas Bangunan / m2
Jumlah lantai atau tingkat 1
2 kamar tidur
1 kamar mandi
Keterangan tambahan Beli cepat, Murah, butuh uang! Townhouse Lippo di Desa / Karawaci .. - 5 menit dari Lippo Supermall dan dpl - 1 fl .. - 2 kamar tidur .. - 1 kamar mandi - Tempat parkir - fully furnished .. - Siap untuk keperluan pemukiman ... - Lingkungan nyaman dan indah - Cocok untuk keluarga baru / mahasiswa - masyarakat akses negosiasi harga!

batu alam sebagai aksen


Pojok halaman rumah dan tidak membiarkan yang gersan. Mengambil keuntungan dari negara sesempit untuk menciptakan kawasan hijau tinggi lingkungan. Efek alam, dengan DAPAT penempatan seonggok-dua onggok batu sebagai aksen penegas.

Taman di depan rumah, maka ini berarti. Berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal raja dan melunakkan Fahud.
Menempati berbagai wilayah di taman-tingkat tinggi, pengukuran-3 / 8 MX4, 5m. Tanaman dibagi ke dalam kelompok 1,9 mx3, 8m, termasuk Bali, dan Kamboja ada punuk Betawi.

Disebelahnya negara yang rendah, sejak bentuk hard-Scape batu loncatan dari batu slab berukuran 40cmx40cm. Batu adalah tabel cross-selang, dipisahkan oleh mini-rumput gajah. Lotus tanaman dalam pot tanaman dan batu, sebagai penghalang agar DIP negara.

Teks: Jones, Roto: Tri, Grafis: Zaka
Lokasi: Rumah Ibu Andik E. Putro, Bintaro, Jakarta.

BATU Akzente Besar
Pemilik rumah membiarkan taak sendiri tanah perbatasan dengan negara fasilitasn umum. PUND dari taman, seakan-akan berhadapan dengan umum daerah.

Rumput gajah mini, Kucai AC, kipas angin dan pohon kelapa menyejukkan mata muncul. Taman gaya dan sederhana, dengan kon Sep beraksen batu kali lebih besar. Di kursi beton, kami dapat tempat berteduh sambil menikmati semilir angina.

Teks: Dewi, Foto: Martin
Lokasi: Home Odang Hasbullah, Sentul, Jawa Barat.

TAK seragam seri
J sudut dinding luar rumah dilapisi Stone Temple dari bangunan tinggi. Sekitarpojok bidang dinding, di sebelah kiri tidak tingkat. Ada banyak tanaman hijau.

Rumputmenjadi utama tanah. Di pojok dekat suduttempok embedded Pandan Bali, dirangkaikan dnengan sambaing darah dan Kucai. Empat kali dari batu menyingkirkan: dua besar dan dua kecil, karena jika tidak dijejertka seragam. Batu-batu ini adalah aksen alam.

Teks: Tatang, photo: Martin
Lokasi: Unit Nirwarna Contoh Residence di Bogor.
baca selengkapnya..........


Sumber: Majalah IDEA - 51/V/2008

Arsitek di mata masyarakat kita

Arsitek di mata masyarakat kita

Pagi-ambing, sementara sebagian orang masih tidur ketika pagi hari atau binatang peliharaan, mungkin saat yang tepat untuk desain rumah di sebuah kompleks perumahan kecil. Memang benar bahwa bangunan rumah kecil di area dengan luas sekitar 100 meter persegi ras menunjukkan bagaimana keunikan dan keindahan. Ekspresi rumah sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup dan mulai kelas menengah pemilik rumah lapisan adalah ukuran kecil.

> Usaha Kecil 2small 0
Menurut Bambang, sekitar 1980 masih banyak rumah kecil bertipe terluas sekitar 70 meter persegi, hanya tembok tanpa plester dengan ubin paling bagus teraso. Desain sangat sederhana, hanya kamar dengan jendela yang tidak terlalu besar, satu kamar "yang" cukup untuk ruang tamu, dan ruang keluarga, makan dan minum.

Bambang beberapa keluhan dari konsumen, antara lain, ketika tembok karena kesulitan dalam tiang batu bata batako kosong. Bahkan, untuk jenis kecil rumah dengan ruang terbatas, tempat juga dapat berharap untuk menggantung kabinet. Jika kabinet gantung terinstal, kualitas dinding, sebagai jaminan yang ambrol ....

Kemudian, manusia tumbuh kesadaran akan ruang. Meskipun di sana-sini masih banyak bagian dari "sepak bola" tetapi kurang bahkan tidak sedikit mulai terlihat manis.

Bahkan setelah Bambang Sutrisno, ia mengaku tidak memiliki klien pasangan suami-istri, keduanya bekerja. Bambang sejarah, "Mereka tidak memiliki anak-anak dan memiliki banyak kegiatan di luar rumah. Kebutuhan mereka yang di rumah hanya dapat tempat yang nyaman untuk beristirahat, semacam rumah-lah. Kecil, cantik dan nyaman."

Apakah keterangan mengenai perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi. Pertama, terdapat panduan untuk arsitek, yang Architects' Association of Indonesia. Salah satunya mengatakan, untuk pembangunan rumah berukuran 36 meter persegi di bawah ini, mungkin tidak ada uang jasa. "Itu memang harus percaya bahwa menolong orang-orang yang tidak mampu," kata Bambang. Well, banyak pengembang dan pemilik rumah akan kecil, seperti klien sebelum Bambang.

Perubahan, tentu saja tidak langsung. Syafarini, arsitek Parahyangan lulusan yang sekarang bekerja, rumah seniman Widayanto, mengatakan, masyarakat belum banyak yang menggunakan jasa arsitek dalam membangun rumah. Dia mengatakan bahwa di tengah kelas tidak turun dari bagian atas layanan masih dianggap sebagai arsitek kurang penting dibandingkan dengan komponen biaya lainnya. "Biaya untuk membayar arsitek yang lebih baik bagi mereka untuk menutupi biaya membangun rumah," kata Syafarini.

Apa yang harus tahu, semakin besar kemungkinan untuk mengikuti di urutan ruang. Akibatnya, udara dapat beredar dan distribusi matahari tidak. "Jangan tanya jika rumah itu dari depan looks cool, tapi dalam gelap dan pengap merasa perlu untuk pencahayaan siang hari bahkan ketika udara," katanya.

Arsitek individu mungkin memiliki pandangan yang berbeda mengenai "tren" ini. Wijoyo Hendromartono, arsitek dan konsultan desain Arcata, tidak untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya ruang dan penataannya. Sebelumnya, katanya, rumah hanya berfungsi sebagai tempat di mana orang yang belum di hujan. Sekarang, fungsi rumah lebih dititikberatkan pada bercengkerama dengan keluarga, tempat yang dingin yang siap untuk melihat tubuh kelelahan setelah tubuh yang bekerja seharian.

Ia melihat tiga syarat utama yang harus di rumah dalam peraturan, yaitu transportasi udara, pencahayaan dan estetika. Wijoyo berkata: "Sekarang orang-orang yang tidak semua ruang yang ada, tetapi telah mulai disisakan, yang merupakan sumber cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Ia mulai menyadari bahwa sirkulasi udara dan cahaya berpengaruh pada kesehatan."

Setelah mengedarkan udara dan cahaya dapat dipenuhi, mereka mulai memiliki masalah estetika. Estetika ini, yang akan membantu mereka untuk mendapatkan rasa tentang rumah-rumah kecil lainnya. Estetika seperti warna.

Kemudian, masalah tata ruang. Biasanya, rumah, pengembang adalah ruangnya gaya. Para pengembang yang sudah memiliki arsitek berpikir terang dan sirkulasi udara di setiap kamar.

Sesungguhnya ia akui, rumah dibangun, rumah sendiri atau pengembang yang dibangun dan direnovasi oleh penghuninya sering dijelekkan ruangnya peraturan. "Misalnya, banyak orang yang menginginkan kamar mandi di dalam kamar tidur. Mandi yang kecil tetapi cukup menyita tempat. Jika jumlah anggota keluarga hanya tiga sampai empat orang, tanpa memperhitungkan apakah harus lebih dari satu kamar mandi?" Tanyanya .

Ada juga untuk memaksakan diri dengan dapur kering dan dapur basah. Setelah Wijoyo, hal seperti ini tidak baik karena biasanya dapur kering yang tidak digunakan. "Keluarga adalah ibu bekerja. Jadi dia tidak sering menjadi dapur. Jika ia hanya seminggu sekali di dapur, mengapa tidak, dapur basah yang nyaman," ujar Wijoyo memberi contoh.

Sikap bungkam tentang arsitek dari layanan ini juga diakui Wijoyo. Mereka ingin rumah-rumah mereka schönschön sebagai arstieknya sentuh, tetapi tidak banyak orang-orang yang berani, dengan layanan arsitektur. Ia berkata: "Mereka puas dengan saran dari seorang arsitek, tetapi setelah diambil, mereka kembali. Mungkin ini karena mereka melihat sesuatu yang menjadi semakin mahal barang. Debitkan mobil atau rumah. Sementara karya arsitek yang hanya berupa gambar, mereka terlalu mahal. Mereka tidak menyadari bahwa gambar arsitek adalah sebuah karya seni. Gambar tidak mahal, tetapi gagasan dan proses kreatif. "

Artinya, di tengah sungai dan perubahan perubahan dalam cara hidup di daerah lain di kelas menengah, kami kadang-kadang terlihat, fisik kejanggalan. Itulah sebabnya, mengingat kelas menengah India bahwa tanggal.

Jika Anda adalah pagi berjalan di lingkungan, lingkungan hidup, melihat bagaimana pusat sedang mencoba untuk mencari sendiri di apartemen. Mereka kagum yang membuat kami, kami akan ada yang tertawa geli.

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021-73888872, 021-70692409

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Feeling Stale

I really can't think of anything...............

I have no idea of what I want to talk about, or show you.
So , I am going off to contemplate.

Have a nice weekend

xxx 's

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

4UDECOR - Metro Casa 19/03/09

A 4UDECOR foi noticia na passada edição de 19/03/09 do Jornal Metro no seu suplemento Metro Casa onde foi divulgada a marca Planika de lareiras de bio combustivel.

Friday, March 27, 2009

H&M home in stores in Sweden

: : I skyped with sister for 2 hrs this weekend (we hadn't talked to each other for months)
and she told me that H&M's new home series is now available in Sweden. bad news is, I don't think it'll be available in the US for a while. good news is, I can shop a lot when I go home this summer. maybe travel home with an empty suitcase?

photos via .nitro:licious.

check out .H&M's website. for more pics.

Banco de Jardim / Garden Bench

Um novo olhar para o tradicional e romântico banco de jardim de madeira. Óscar Tusquets actualizou-o ao seu próprio estilo, o que se reflectiu no perfil de alumínio elegante dos pés. Perfeito para o seu jardim ou para contract. Disponivel em varias dimensões desde 60 x 62A x 74,2cm até 300 x 62A x 74,2cm.

A new look at the traditional romantic bench made of wooden slats. Óscar Tusquets has updated it in his own personal style, as reflected in the profile of the elegant aluminium leg. Perfect for your garden or contact. Available in various sizes from 60 x 62A x 74,2cm até 300 x 62A x 74,2cm.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Thursday, March 26, 2009

tropicalia colors

: : the tropicalia chair by .patricia urquiola. keeps popping up places. I must like it. I do like it. maybe it's the colors.

playful dishware

: : wonderfully playful photos by .ditte isager. on .edge. (found via .oh joy.)
some of my favorite china dishes too. colorful .origo. I already have at home. my favorite cereal bowl. .royal copenhagen., I'd love to have for fancy dinner parties or everyday dinnerware.

spring is here!

: : boston is beautiful today! I biked in along the river this morning and saw crew boats out on the river for the first time this year. oh, I can't wait for the day that we can go to the beach and swim!

photos from .flickr.

On Vacation

I'll be on vacation for a couple weeks, enjoying some sun, sky and time with family, and therefore taking a break from my daily and weekly web pages. In the meantime check out my 33 favorites and the other quality links on the sidebar.


Posts will resume in two weeks.

Sofa para a sua Sala

Magnifico sofa do designer Bruno Rainaldi, desenhou igualmente este belo tapete.

Great sofa design by Bruno Rainaldi, also designed this beautiful rug.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Salt Lake City

Best Places to first time homebuyers
Point to be home? These cities are a good place to buy due to low foreclosure rates, strong job growth and lots of homes on the market

By FrontDoor.com | Published: 6/16/2008

1. Salt Lake City

Average price: $ 229,600

Price change: -1.6 percent

The job market is strong in Salt Lake City and executions have remained low, so the capital of Utah has escaped the worst of the merger of real estate. Prices have risen 3.7 percent last year. But it's still a buyer's market.

Houses in Salt Lake City

A link to Chic, Cheap Bathroom Makeover

Chic, Cheap Bathroom Makeover

Beautiful paint to granite counters, we have the low-cost, high impact decorating tips for the hardest working room in your house.
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I think this is just what you are looking for.


A link to Chic, Cheap Bathroom Makeover was by e-mail
If you in the mood for creative design wise, there is no better room than the bathroom.
Topics of Interest

* How To
* Makeover
* Living rooms
* Kitchens
* Bedrooms

Product Ideas

* Robert Abbey City Collection Swing Arm Wall Lamp

Robert Abbey City Collection Swing Arm Wall Lamp
* Workspace Project Table

Workspace Project Table
* Orange Aster Salad Plate

Orange Aster Salad Plate
* Bamboo sconce

Bamboo sconce
* Smart Round Marble coffee table

Smart Round Marble coffee table

More Product Ideas
1 of 5

If you feel like unleashing your creative potential of this weekend, point your palette to the bathroom. It is the room where you can complete a project in a weekend and still have money left over to keep Removal while you're waiting for the paint or polyurethane to dry.

"The beauty of a bathroom is small," says Gary Foreman, publisher of the dollar stretcher. "So if you've never painted sponge for, you can try an hour or two and if not like, what have you lost? You can paint over it the next day. If you're in the mood for creative design wise, there is no better room than the bathroom. "

Chinese Home Design, Feng shui Based Design

Chinese Home Design, Feng shui Based Design
Posted by team anto020681 Labels: chinese home design, traditional interior

In many Asian countries, before developing a building or place some furniture, they use a special way to guide. It's called Feng Shui, Although practiced in many Asian countries, but is becoming increasingly popular in Western culture. This is a set of guidelines for the ancient Chinese correctly placing objects and buildings. Feng shui states that all objects have a positive energy or negative, so care should be taken to balance this energy.

China inspired interior with bold color display ornate furniture and accessories. Pieces of furniture that tend to design with carved wood hand-painted details and high-gloss lacquered surfaces.

Accessories continue this dramatic by the style of animal motifs and mythological animals, like monkeys and dragons. Porcelain ginger jars, large vases, and fish Pot painted with patterns in some complex or in the blue and white also in the classical Chinese style interior. Other items that style is often seen large wall murals, plaques, and the folding screen that depicts the history of the characters and scenes in the legendary vibration or striking color palette.

Red is the color of the prominent Asian style interior design, perhaps because it means good luck in Chinese culture. Other bright colors such as yellow and green are used as accents as well. Colorful paper lanterns are often made very vibrant colors. Tended dark wood tones and rich colors.
Chinoiserie is a form of art where the furniture and accessories are patterned after detailed embellishments and complex design decoration from China. Meanwhile, Chinoiserie is sought at this time, which was originally popular in the mid 1800's Europe. China influence can also be seen in the architectural style used in many garden pavilions and pagodas.

Source: interiordesign.lovetoknow.com
Related Posts by Category
chinese home design

* Rooms with China Classic Design Furniture
* Oriental decor theme for the design space
* Elegant Chinese dinning Room
* Hand Scrolls Chinese calligraphy

traditional interior

* Japanese Room Design Inspiration
* 'Gebyok', a traditional door design Java
* Tree House with Natural Wood Materials
* Basic Japanese Room Design

Sagami Bay Home

Sagami Bay Home

1 bay sagami architecture home

Conjured up and built by world renowned Foster + Partners, this modern house took place in the shadow of Mount Fiji in Kawana.

2 bay sagami architecture home

sagami architecture bay house 3

Integrated structure with elements of modern minimalist architecture ancient Japan to make the weekend a unique design that allows a lot of home ventilation and offer a lot of interior space. Special glass sliding doors, sliding walls, clear and opaque Shades and modern materials make it an ideal retreat and beautiful holiday hub.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

' In The Closet ' About My Secret Love

This has always been a 'thing' with me ( and I am sure I am the only one who has known about it ).
All of my life, I have been afraid of red.
I like red, but I was always afraid of it.
It's just so.......RED !

Since my earliest memories, green , cream, taupe, and BLACK have always been my colors. They are my comfort colors.

I still love, love, love, black. I don't know.... it's just is so strong, in a quiet way.
If I have to do something important ( especially work related ), or go to a function where I might feel a bit insecure, I will wear black.
I feel much stronger emotionally, almost protected ( it's in my head, I know ).
It is like my very own 'magic armor.'
Weird, I know.
But hey , it works for me.

Now , when I was a skinny b-zitch, I always wanted a long, tight fitting, slinky ,bugle beaded gown.
In Chinese red ( orange /red )!!!!
It would have a very high neck line in front , and in back, cut way down, almost to the 'blank' in my ......... as low as you can go in the back ,and still be considered a nice girl.
But I am terrified to wear red . For me, going to a party or a function wearing red would totally freak me out!!
I have tried to do it.
I feel like there are horns blowing, bright spotlights following me where ever I go, and people pointing........and that was just in my house ! LOL
......I have purchased a beautiful red dress, and chanted to myself over and over;
" I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS"........only to flip out when it is time to go. And then I have to change all over again into something black ,because I am so flipped out that I can't wear red.

But I can do this.
And this.

I really , really hate red cars too. But , since I have wanted this car since the age of 17 and I still do not have it......I can do this.

Anyway, this, brings me to this...

Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths of light discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–740 nm. Longer wavelengths than this are called infrared, or below red and cannot be seen by the naked human eye. Red is used as one of the additive primary colors of light, complementary to cyan, in RGB color systems. Red is also one of the subtractive primary colors of RYB color space but not CMYK color space.
In human
color psychology, red is associated with heat, energy and blood, and emotions that "stir the blood", including anger, passion, and love.

A few years ago I had my office painted a deep Chinese red. The color might be paprika or chili pepper. The upholstery/sofa is olive green, and all case goods are dark walnut. The walls are filled with HUNT Scene paintings where there are horses, riders with red jackets , and a lot of green. There are other 3 dimensional items , such as brass bugles, a crop, riding hats, blah , blah ,blah.
It is a fabulous room. Very Cozy.
This room is popular with friends and family, and now is more like a den than an office.
My daughter ended up with a red room as well.....go figure.
ME, who was afraid of red , has two red rooms in her house.
I guess I have always been 'IN THE CLOSET' about my secret love of red.
( the educational portion of the post )
If you've ever driven through a rural area, it's likely that you've seen the red barns that speckle the farming landscape. There are several theories as to why barns are painted red.
Centuries ago, European farmers would seal the wood on their barns with an oil, often linseed oil -- a tawny-colored oil derived from the seed of the flax plant. They would paint their barns with a linseed-oil mixture, often consisting of additions such as milk and lime. The combination produced a long-lasting paint that dried and hardened quickly. (Today, linseed oil is sold in most home-improvement stores as a wood sealant). Now, where does the red come from?
Wealthy farmers added blood from a recent slaughter to the oil mixture. As the paint dried, it turned from a bright red to a darker, burnt red.
I can do this, and I have.
It is a rich look if really done just right.
However, No animal blood is needed.
They way I made myself get over my fear of red was by slowly introducing red accessories ( including accent furniture) into design jobs. After a while, and practice , I became fearless when it came to using red in other people's homes.

And before I knew it ..................or you will know it .........we will be loving red.

It became second nature.

( BTW, my living room has 22' high walls of soaring deep coral )

WSHOME Summer Colors.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....