Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Room Remix

New Remix It Online Project:
Here is a new remix it online project that I just received. This 9 year old girl has been sharing a room with her younger sister and is ready to move downstairs into her own bedroom (currently being used as an office). Her mom has requested that we make a fun room for her using a comforter and throw that they've already purchased and a queen bed/headboard that they've had in storage.

Here's a sneak peek at a before photo that they sent in:

I'll be posting the remix it design board, so stayed tuned!


Have a great day!

Today's archidose #329

Afterparty, this year's P.S.1 Young Architects Program by MOS, 2009. The installation opened Sunday and runs until September 28. Also on display at the museum is YAP 10th Anniversary Review, "a visual chronicle of P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center and The Museum of Modern Art's Young Architects Program, one of the most acclaimed architectural arenas for emerging talent of the last decade."


To contribute your Flickr images for consideration, just:

:: Join and add photos to the archidose pool, and/or
:: Tag your photos archidose

Things You Can Do With A LIVING WALL....

You could buy a warehouse to live in and do this !!!
I would definitely do this !!
I can see me living or working here in a heart beat.

You could hang a few to cover something you would rather not look at.
.....I would need to carry it around with me all day. wink wink
Cover an entire building.

Need some fresh air ? Stephan from Architect Design told me that english ivy in a home has more air purifying abilities than any other house plant.

Have you ever been frustrated trying to pick an exterior paint color? Go REALLY GREEN.

How about covering a new wood fence ?
If you have little or no room to plant something in front of it , do this.

An exhibit of living walls.

Look how you can cover those ugly wire fences. These are stunning.
I did a post on an apartment with living walls of english ivy, and I wondered how they did this.
In this post I will reveal how it is done and where you can get it.

Can you think of a place where you could use a living wall ???

Click to enlarge and print these out if you are interested.

You can mix it up, and use different plants !!

This would normally be a big concrete (boring) wall.
This must be spectacular in person.

Oh yes, and you can do a roof too.

download or view brochure ; http://www.eltlivingwalls.com/PDFs/elt_easy_green_brochure.pdf


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom,Living Walls


The Porch

I know that some of you are interested in "remixed" furniture but just don't have the time or possibly the inclination to do it yourself. With that in mind, I thought I would remind you that The Porch in Buffalo is open starting today through the weekend and is having a 20% off sale. Teresa has a great shop with tons of remixed treasures. Here are some photos of July market finds that she posted on her blog:

Check out her blog for more information.


Calligaris - Iluminação

Estas são algumas das novidades da Calligaris em iluminação, apresentamos aqui candeeiros de mesa, disponíveis também noutros acabamentos.

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Cascais / Portugal

Monday, June 29, 2009

Satu kamar untuk Semua

Satu kamar untuk Semua [Index]
Satu kamar untuk Semua "Saya ingin mata yang sederhana namun cathcing," kata Moch. Maulana ZP., Yang didukung oleh istri Kanny Savitri ketika ditanya oleh Ceilano Borndahl Kuropatkin arsitek. Ya, ini yang sangat muda dengan beberapa rumah seperti yang terlihat sederhana namun tetap terlihat menarik dan menonjol. Selain itu, mereka juga ingin bahwa ada banyak ruang dan dapat menampung hingga berbagai kegiatan yang berada di rumah.

Pasangan yang suka sepak bola dan warna merah ini, juga sangat memperhatikan detil yang dibuat di rumah mereka, agar tampak lebih indah. Konsultasi dan diskusi dengan arsitek yang juga merupakan teman lama mereka dilakukan untuk mencapai hasil maksimal. Banyak dari ide-ide mereka yang akhirnya dipakai untuk detil desain rumah ini, seperti penggunaan keramik mozaik, dan pemilihan warna.

Ruang keluarga yang multifungsi
Remy dan Kanny, sapaan akrab keduanya menginginkan sebuah rumah yang tidak terlalu banyak ruang. Bagi mereka yang penting ruang-ruang dasar kebutuhan mereka sudah terpenuhi, seperti ruang tidur utama dan tambahan, dapur, ruang makan, ruang keluarga, ruang keluarga, dan area layanan.

Satu hal yang mereka lupa Beno arsitek, terdapat satu kamar yang dapat dimaksimalkan di tengah rumah. Hal ini karena mereka ingin agar rumah mereka yang kecil dapat menjadi acara keluarga yang akan sering diadakan.

Oleh karena itu akhirnya Beno membuat sebuah ruang keluarga yang "tanpa batas". Ruang keluarga ini sengaja tidak lepas dari sekat untuk makan, dan malam adalah sebuah ruang rumah ini.

Divider dibuat hanya untuk memisahkan ruang tamu dengan ruang keluarga. Ini pada awalnya Kanny dan Remy tidak ingin memisahkan ruang keluarga dan ruang keluarga, tapi akhirnya dengan beberapa pertimbangan juga diberikan kamar pembatas.

Jadi tidak memakan ruang wilayah, kemudian menggunakan ruang tamu dan teras ditutup dengan tembok. Antara ruang keluarga dan dapur, diberi batasan yang sangat terbuka, sehingga lampu hijau ke dalam dapur yang unik adalah aksen di ruang yang didominasi oleh warna putih.

Lampu merah-dinding
Sehingga rumah ini tampak menonjol dan mudah dikenali di lingkungan, maka dibuatlah sebuah bidang vertikal di depan rumah ini. Awalnya dinding ini akan batu alam, tapi karena biaya yang terlalu besar untuk sebuah dinding, maka Beno juga mengusulkan untuk menggunakan cat dinding sebagai pengganti batu alam. Karena pasangan ini adalah seperti warna merah, maka diputuskanlah untuk menggunakan cat merah, yang akan muncul untuk membuat rumah ini sangat menarik. S = Kompas
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Rincian pemrosesan dan ruang
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Buat Ruang Kamar Dengan Efek Ukuran
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Kebun Desain Seni Sebagai ungkapan
Konsep Arsitektur

Colani Rotor House

Hanse Colani Rotor House
Posted by Admin Architecture | 01 Nov 04 | stumble

hanse_haus_colani_oct_04.jpgCompact four rooms in a house.
Designer Luigi Colani has created space-saving house with six square meters cylinder that has inside a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Cylinder rotates left or right bringing the room you want to view the main hall. Has a separate bathroom and a small hallway, and all be controlled remotely. The house was designed for young professionals who need minimal space while they focus on career ...//mocoloco.com/archives/000694.php

+ Hanse-haus.de

Miss Pettigrew And My Two Of My Favorite Things......

This movie is full of beautiful Men & SETS,
my favorite things in life to observe..
This is Nick. He is sexy ....this is a bad pic of him. He is definitely my type.
This is the ever so delicious Michael.
This is Delysia..........the lovable,wacky, and screwed up struggling night club singer.
Rent this movie. It is almost an 'adult disney flick' with a good message.
Delysia and MISS PETTIGREW in the art deco apartment. M.P. is a woman with a message.
This LOVE.....he is adorable.

Look at that face ! Those eyes.....

Miss Pettigrew gets lucky too.
The reason for this post is that the sets are so great. I almost stopped the movie when it first started, because in the beginning Miss Pettigrew is getting food at a soup kitchen. It is 1939 in the movie, which means the crash was in 1929, that is 10 years !!!!
Do we have 9 years left in our great recession ???
I adore Art Deco. The set in her apartment is magnificent. The iron railings, the art deco panels on the walls. Even the lamp shades on the lamps. Her bedroom is faboo too.
I spent several years importing from Paris french art deco furniture. I love it and would love to live in the apartment featured in the movie.
Back to the issue of me wanting to stop the movie because it was unpleasant to watch the difficulties of the main character Miss Pettigrew at the soup kitchen......
One of my defects of character is avoiding unpleasantness, the tedious motions and movements you to have to do to get through a task.
And my task at hand was watching the movie. I forced myself to continue watching and it, and it turned out to be a complete pleasure.

It is very difficult for me to 'do tedious'.
But, when I do finish a task it is always gratifying.
Why are some of us plagued with this character flaw ????
I have to work on this daily.
Lately I have been chanting to myself....."just get it over with , DO IT".

Delysia & Michael

title;Miss Pettigrew for A Day

to see a clip;http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi932839705/

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, All Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom,Miss Pettigrew,Delysia & Michael
