Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunny Sunday Inspiration


This Pottery Barn bedroom feels sunny with it's bold yellow walls, doesn't it? You can just tell it's SUMMER outside, too. Sigh... I thought the wall collage was interesting.

Taking a turn in decorating styles, I like this room designed by Tamara Robbins Griffith that I found at Style at Home (Photo David Bagosy). It's not sunny exactly, but it's got a cheerful vibe. I love the crisp contrast of the white against the dark walls and the bright splashes of yellow and orange. I guess I could have used this in my chevron/zigzag inspiration post as well.

Happy Sunday! Tomorrow is March already. Can you believe it? That much closer to spring...

Guess Where Marc Chagall's Grand Daughter Works?

Marc Chagall was born in Russia. 
He was involved in the Russian Revolution in 1917.
His work is awesome.
I love most his mostly unknown works that were painted on cardboard.
In the early part of this century in Paris most artist were starving and would paint on whatever they could find.
Including Picasso.
Marc Chagall in 1941
( grandpa )
His work reflects his life.
The revolution.
A Horsie!!!!
Bella Meyer is
the granddaughter of Marc Chagall.
Her Shop.
Fleurs Bella
(I absolutely love this entrance)
Born in Paris and raised in Switzerland, Bella Meyer grew up immersed in art.  As the granddaughter of Marc Chagall, Bella’s imagination and artistic expression were always valued at home, grooming her for a life of creativity.  On the academic side of life, Bella attained a Ph.D. in Medieval Art History at the Sorbonne in Paris, continuing all the while to paint and draw.  After moving to New York in her twenties, she found her bliss designing and building fantastical worlds of costumes, masks, and puppets for theatre, opera, and dance.

Her handmade pottery,
 in which she will artistically place each beautiful flower or orchid in.

This is an interesting little tidbit.
Don't you think ?

I love finding out stories like this!

If you want to know more...Marc Chagall

The Fleurs Bella studio is located at 55 East 11th Street, New York, NY.
Info on Bella Meyer from the N.Y.T. and her website.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, 
TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,Marc Chagall's Grand Daughter
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

4UDECOR com Miguel Vieira Casa

Miguel Vieira, um grande apaixonado pela área de mobiliário, acaba de lançar a nova linha Miguel Vieira Casa. O designer de moda tem vindo a dedicar-se a diversos projectos paralelos à moda e a decoração surge, agora, como o desafio ideal no seu percurso.

Este novo projecto surgiu na sequência de uma parceria do atelier Miguel Vieira com uma empresa de mobiliário portuguesa, algo que estava há vários anos nos horizontes do designer e que resultou numa “colecção criada a pensar no meu tipo de casa ideal. Uma colecção que consegue mobilar todas as divisões de uma casa, onde a palavra de ordem é o design”, explica Miguel Vieira. “À semelhança da importância que tenho dado às minhas criações de “alfaiataria”, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao interior dos fatos, esta linha mantém o factor surpresa de igual forma. Ao interior de cada peça de mobiliário é dada uma importância grandiosa. Os acabamentos revelam uma minúcia e um detalhe surpreendentes”.

“O conceito que orientou a criação da colecção foi o encontro da sintonia perfeita entre um design de perfil contemporâneo e o intimismo, a elegância e a liberdade que permitem criar um ambiente moderno mas também confortável e requintado. São exploradas diversas facetas de estilo que permitem criar peças sofisticadas e cheias de personalidade. Para além da perspectiva utilitária, cada peça expressa um valor próprio, semelhante à personalidade humana”.

A colecção Miguel Vieira Casa apresenta peças de mobiliário que privilegiam o design e a durabilidade, apostando em madeiras exóticas (ébano e nogueira americana) e acabamentos luxuosos (lacados, talha de ouro e tecidos jacquard desenvolvidos em atelier). Os formatos são pouco convencionais - há peças cuja estrutura clássica foi totalmente subvertida - e as proporções, as formas e as volumetrias são continuamente depuradas. Branco puro e cerâmica, champanhe, bege, pérola, amarelo, verde, amora silvestre, violeta, rosa e preto são as cores predominantes.

“Trata-se de um projecto que me apaixona bastante pois une ousadia e equilíbrio. Sinto que criei peças que emanam charme e sofisticação em todos os detalhes, e cujas influências são ao mesmo tempo contemporâneas e clássicas”, conclui Miguel Vieira. Publicada por Associação Modalisboa

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal

Area Rugs/Window Treatment - Questions Answered


Phoebe Howard

There were a couple of questions on the "Large Impact vs. Small Accessories" post, so I thought I would answer them in a post in case some of you had the same questions. As with anything I talk about on this blog, these are my opinions based on my experiences, what I've been taught, and personal preference. I've learned long ago that my opinion is not the only one and that I'm not the source of all wisdom and knowledge, so if your opinion or experience varies from mine, I'm cool with that. :-)

QUESTION 1: Do you think it'd be too boring to do solid colors for both the windows and the rug?
ANSWER: There are many successful rooms that are done using solid colors for both the window treatments and the rugs. I've shown one example at the beginnning of this post. One way to avoid being boring, if that's a concern, would be to add trim to the window treatment and use a very textural rug as they did in the room below. If you're not a fan of pattern OR color, even very neutral rooms without much pattern can be made interesting just by using a variety of finishes and textures. This room by Phoebe Howard is a great example of that.

Southern Living via Van Chaplin; Charles Walton IV

QUESTION 2: How do you feel about rugs on top of carpet? I love a rug on a hardwood or tile floor but not sure about on carpet.
ANSWER: If your space needs an area rug to add a different texture, define a seating area, pull some colors together or add color that doesn't exist, it doesn't matter to me if it's hardwood or carpet, you still need it. The rug in the living room below doesn't look expensive and it's not some totally unique pattern or color, but imagine the room without it. It really defines the seating area and the slightly darker color grounds the space. Photo:IPC Images

QUESTION 3: Are they a pain to vacuum around and under when they're on carpet?
ANSWER: I have an area rug on my carpet in my family room and I've never had any trouble vacuuming on, under or around it. A carpet pad will help keep thinner rugs in place.

House Beautiful Photo: Jose Picayo

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Miguel Vieira - Aparador Porcelain

Aparador com linhas clássicas e influencias orientais com acabamento lacado lavanda e folha de ouro com interior lacado a dourado, com as seguintes dimensões 2140x520x600. É uma criação do famoso estilista Miguel Vieira.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Lisboa / Portugal

Friday, February 26, 2010

Serenity For Miss Hawn In N.Y.C.

This Burmese Buddha is in the entrance hall of the Manhattan apartment 
that she shares with actor Kurt Russell.
Indian teak arch from ABC Carpet & Home.
Hawn’s “favorite meditation spot” is the living room’s circa 1920 Chinese opium bed. A Burmese reclining Buddha is at the window in the dining room, whose table is set with Tiffany’s crystal and china. ABC Carpet & Home bed and carved chairs. Designs for Leisure slipcover fabric.
Hawn said; 
"“The living room is the area in my apartment that most reminds me of India, my second home."
Does she mean she has a home in India? 
Or that she considers India her home after the U.S. ?
Strangely I was dreaming about India last night and I hadn't planned this post.
Their ' TV Room.'
“The master bedroom is peaceful and muted—the perfect place for me to surrender to sleep,” says Hawn. “We used restful hues and covered the bed with fabric that Goldie brought back from India,” adds Specter. Kravet drapery fabric. Patterson, Flynn & Martin carpet.

This was in Architectural Digest in 2002.

What do you think needs updating 

in this apartment, if anything?

Don't be shy.


credit: Architectural Digest 
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., Goldie Hawn's NYC Home

Armonía y bienestar gracias al Feng Shui

La principal tarea del Feng Shui es mejorar la calidad de vida humana a través del espacio y la decoración; es el arte de colocar cada cosa en su sitio.

La disciplina del Feng Shui parte de la idea de que el lugar que se ocupa en el universo depende de la relación entre las energías personales y las de la naturaleza o el ambiente que rodea a cada persona, por lo que las acciones humanas deben guiarse a mantener el equilibrio entre hombre y naturaleza.

Los principios de Feng Shui y los cinco elementos principales ayudan a equilibrar la energía de la casa y sus habitantes. No es extraño que una persona se sienta bien en una estancia y mal en la contigua. La meta del Feng Shui es decodificar esta íntima relación que une al hombre y a su entorno, afectando a su equilibrio emocional.

Para ello, existen varias teorías como la del 'Yinn y el Yang' o la de 'Los cinco elementos' (la Tierra, el Metal, el Agua, la Madera y el Fuego). En definitiva, el Feng Shui muestra la vía que lleva a equilibrar las energías personales y del hábitat, hogar u oficina, con las leyes de la naturaleza para poder vivir en armonía con ella. Así se puede aprender a manejar los problemas personales, desarrollando un potencial óptimo.

Muebles para TV modernos

La nueva central de TV de Rimadesio es lo último en su serie Cartesia. Anteriormente la serie de muebles incluía bibliotecas, estanterías, contenedores y otras cosas necesarias para crear la solución ideal en mobiliario para livings. Con la nueva central de TV, de diseño muy original y soluciones prácticas “open”, es aún más simple.

Este moderno mueble está equipado con estantes para CD-DVD, donde colocas todo tu home theater. La parte de atrás es de vidrio espejado y tiene espacio para pantallas LCD de hasta 50 pulgadas de ancho. Con un sistema de iluminación LED, esta central incrementa el disfrute del entretenimiento en el salón.

Ideas para decorar paredes con marcos antiguos

Te mostramos algunas ideas de cómo decorar paredes con marcos antiguos.

En este caso, la relación entre el color grisáceo de la pared y las sutiles variaciones de tonos amarillo y verde de los marcos son agradables a la vista, como lo es la variedad de las formas de los mismos. Los almohadones del banco imitan las variaciones de color de los marcos. Como resultado, los marcos y el banco se integran.

En esta imagen, los marcos en blanco brillante son parte del drama, ya que imitan el marcado contraste entre el color de las paredes oscuras y los zócalos blancos y el piso.

El tono madera de los marcos pasan a la madera de la mesa y del banco, abajo, enfatizado la sobriedad del conjunto, así como el fuerte contraste entre la madera oscura y la pared blanca.

Los marcos dorados encima de la cama señalan el tono dorado de las cortinas, mientras la agrupación asimétrica y la sorprendente naturaleza de los marcos vacíos desentonan con la formalidad de la sala.

Una variedad de cuadros de colores brillantes, apoyados más que colgados de las paredes, crea un sentido de fantasía, especialmente en contraste con el blanco circundante. Los cojines del sofá recogen los colores de los marcos, dando un sentido de cohesión a la caprichosa sala.

Pintar marcos del mismo color o similar al de la pared, hace que los marcos actúen como detalles arquitectónicos. Esta sería una buena forma de introducir carácter a un espacio arquitectónico aburrido.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Muebles y accesorios para dormitorios infantiles

Tonos suaves

Escoge muebles y telas en el mismo tono para lograr un ambiente equilibrado.
Para los muebles apuesta por acabados en tonos crudos o blancos; son luminosos y conseguirás una sensación de armonía y sosiego ideal para el cuarto del bebé. Si los eliges en el mismo color, podrás mezclar muebles de distintos estilos.


Una forma muy sencilla de darle un aire infantil al armario es sustituir los pomos por otros más divertidos. Encontrarás modelos estampados con todo tipo de motivos; pero si lo prefieres, puedes encargar que dibujen el mismo motivo que decora las paredes o la ropa de cama.

Mueble Auxiliar

Un mueble auxiliar pequeño te será muy práctico para tener a mano los productos necesarios para el cambio del bebé.

Zócalo de madera

Protege la zona inferior de la pared con un zócalo de madera. El pino y el abeto son las variedades más utilizadas; son maderas blandas, en tonos claros, perfectos para teñir o pintar. Combínalo con un papel con discretos espampados. Zócalo realizado por un ebanista. Papel, de Lienzo de los Gazules. Muñeco de madera en Dijous.

Fuente: Revista MiCasa

Diversos modelos de camas de hierro forjado

Las camas de hierro forjado gustan sobre todo a las mujeres. Es que su aspecto es realmente fantástico y muy delicado. Las camas de hierro forjado son una delicia para la decoración y ofrecen elegancia y duración como pocos otros materiales.

Cómo solucionar problemas de espacio en tu hogar

Ideas prácticas y bonitas para solucionar cualquier problema que tengas como: falta de espacio, rincones difíciles, cómo independizar ambientes... Te contamos cómo sacarles más partido y aprovecharlos mejor

Muy útil
Un mueble a medida con puertas centrales de cristal, aprovecha toda la pared y en la parte superior lleva puertas correderas.

Escritorio oculto

Simplemente abatiendo las puertas centrales y apoyándolas sobre las inferiores se tiene una práctica mesa de trabajo.

Zona de trabajo

Se ha conseguido integrándola en un mueble hecho a medida en la pared situada tras el comedor. La parte central tiene una zona con espacio para guardar el ordenador y los papeles y unas puertas abatibles que sirven de mesa.

Decoración en grises y blancos Se ha amueblado con un sofá, de La Oca, puesto en ángulo, para que quede espacio libre en el centro. El color de la pared es de Valentine.. Se ha aprovechado el muro de la pared para hacer una librería, simplemente con unas baldas que, además, ocultan el radiador que queda debajo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

She's Not Her Mother..

Kate Hudson..........
I know, I know,.....
You probably think she is so adorable. 
She is. 
But not anymore adorable than one of the many,many,many
 pretty girls I have just seen in passing, or I have known.
Lighting, make-up, and the right clothes can work wonders for anyone.
{Even should see my lighting people, 
and my make-up and wardrobe people 
as we all pile out of my clown car when I arrive at work.
And still... my co-workers seem just don't 'get me.'}
Back to Miss Kate-
And as far as acting......?
Where is the depth ?
How is it that she is still around.
I mean when I watch her in a film,
and I look really hard to see 'something' there....
I want to want to see her in a movie.
She is Goldie's little girl.
Sometimes it seems she is trying to be her mom,
but not even through genetics will she achieve that.
I can't help but think of how many thousands of really authentically
talented young woman are out there just waiting to be discovered.
They are waiting tables, or whatever else they may choose to do, 
while they are honing their craft and waiting.
These young actors go through a terrible time of it.
The auditions, the cattle calls, the rejections, and the heartache. 
Many will wait a life-time for a break.
Few will get one. 
I guess to me, it just seems like Hollywood is no different than 
Washington or Wall street.
It always comes down to one thing.....
"He who holds the gold
makes the rules"
*And Kate's mom is one of the most powerful woman in Hollywood.
But she will never be this woman.
Goldie Hawn.
And no one would know Kate's name without mommies clout. 
This is a real 'somebody' 
and self made.
She won an Oscar in her twenties.
Does anybody out there remember 
Goldie on ' Laugh In ?'

Goldie Hawn proved her ding-a-ling act was just an act. 

She won an Oscar for her supporting role in 1969.

 in the movie Cactus Flower. 

Around 1976 she married Bill Hudson of the 'Hudson Brother's'.
And divorced him around 1979. 
(they toured with the 'Osmond's'.....wha?)
This is Bill Hudson, the bio dad.
Kate was able to buy the home that she grew up in as a child living in Malibu with 
her mom.
That had to be great for her.
The estate was right on the beach.
Here are a few inside pictures of the house.
I was only interested in this because Goldie lived here.
and that's where this whole post idea came from.
(And my little Kate and Goldie rant)

The is the Lanai.

So....I am waiting....tap tap tap 
( if only i did have nails to tap)
Any opinions about Goldie, Kate, or the house?
Did you like Goldie???


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, 
TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., Goldie, Kate Hudson,The Malibu home