Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Book Review: Storefront Newsprints

Storefront Newsprints: 1982-2009 by Storefront for Art and Architecture
Storefront Books, 2009
2-volume paperback with slip case, 1,000 pages


Anybody who has visited the Storefront for Art and Architecture has probably walked away with a folded piece of newsprint with details on the exhibition on display. Since my first visit in 1997 I've amassed quite a few, storing them in a shoebox with pamphlets from other museums and venues I've visited in New York City and beyond. The Storefront newsprints have a way of standing out from the rest, in large part from the material they are printed on as well as the monochrome graphics employed. They are anachronistic without being reactionary. They recall a time before ink-jet printers and digital publishing, a time of literal cut-and-paste graphic design and printing in local copy shops. Yet the newsprint is a consistent medium in the nearly 30-year Storefront history, spanning a time of great changes arising from digital technologies, be it graphic design, publishing, or architecture. That Storefront continues to use the format points to a desire to keep in mind the organization's origins, even as it grows in scope and influence beyond the confines of 97 Kenmare Street.


Storefront Newsprints collects over 150 of the newsletters from its early days on Prince Street to last year, reprinted in two volumes nicely packaged in a black slip case. This is book as historical artifact, focused on what could be considered Storefront's unintentional archive. Not all of the text in the reprints is legible (essays by Lebbeus Woods, Michael Webb, and Vito Acconci are reprinted in easy-to-read format), but it is the images, layouts, and most of all the subject matter that rises to the fore while perusing the collection.

Storefront Newsprints comes at the end of Joseph Grima's three-year directorship. Heading for Italy and Domus, he followed Sarah Herda, who is now at the helm of the Graham Foundation in Chicago after her eight-years at Storefront. Before them founder Kyong Park directed the space's exhibitions, and Grima's interview with him is particularly revealing about the organization and its newsprints. As the Storefront searches for Grima's replacement, the past tenuousness of its existence seems to have given way to a widespread appreciation of the organizations, its space (restored in 2008), and its place within the broader architectural community. The influence of its programs reaches beyond its 868sf home (PDF link), but the newsprints are unique artifacts for those able to visit the gallery in person...and now for those willing to spend $49.

US: Buy from or at Storefront Bookstore



Nuevas variantes del estilo rustico de costa o marino.
Con toques de modernidad podemos ver interesantes ejemplos en los tonos tipicos de este estilo.




Las sillas vestidas son una interesante propuesta para vestir nuestro comedor rustico, pues nos da la posibilidad de convertirlo en algo especial y mas importante.

Ademas nos permite utilizar sillas que esten en malas condiciones o que no sean del mismo estilo, o que no luzcan adecuadas.

Asi con una buena cubierta convertiremos esas sillas en algo mas adecuado a nuestra ambientacion rustica.




El estilo rustico permite la utilizacion de gruesos maderos avejentados que le dan un aire tan particular.

Los ambientes no necesitan ser demasido rusticos o con un rustico muy fuerte, la utilizacion de estos gruesos maderos le da el toque que necesitan para  lucir actuales y autenticos.

Aluminio reciclado | superficies resistentes

El aluminio es uno de los materiales más reciclados en los Estados Unidos, con un promedio de 80.000 millones de toneladas de latas cada año. Reciclar este material insume un 95% menos de energía que la utilizada al crear un un producto con materiales vírgenes; y eso sin contar el alto de nivel de contaminación que ello produce.

Alkemi es una compañía con certificación LEED que se dedica a el reciclaje de estos materiales sacados de residuos industriales. De su producción salen unas finas láminas de aluminio que de otra forma terminarían en un horno para su quemado, con el consecuente humo pesado que iría hacia la atmósfera.

Sus láminas son durables y con un estilo poco común a la vista, y resulta ser una alternativa totalmente “verde” a los laminados plásticos, piedra o vidrio. Cuentan con una tres tipos de colores y acabados; brillante, clásico y con textura, que recuerdan al mármol veteado, bien al estilo del siglo 21.

Moquetas para suelos de Tandus

Tandus es una compañía que fabrica moquetas que ha recibido varios premios por sus diseños innovadores desde el 2008. Ofrece una línea denominada “Powerbond“, con seis texturas diferentes, que combinados pueden formar un estilo único en tus suelos. Además tienen la durabilidad de una superficie dura pero con la comodidad que ofrece la apariencia y el estilo de una superficie blanda.

Si tienes dudas de su durabilidad, quizá te interese saber que el 80% del Instituto Westminster, en Colorado-EEUU, cuentan con estas moquetas desde hace 35 años. Y estamos hablando de más de 34 kilómetros cuadrados. Por otra parte, vale mencionar que Tandus recibió por quinta vez consecutiva el premio Antron, como mejor suelo sostenible del año (2009).

Sus diseños únicos pueden perfectamente adaptarse a tus necesidades, con modelos tanto sobrios como divertidos, ideal para decorar el entorno de cualquier integrante de la familia.



Algunos ejemplos de home offices y habitaciones de oficios/hobbies hogarenas con aire rustico y tradicional. Muy utilizados en zonas urbanas y de campo.

Tienen un encanto muy especial y se utilizan mucho en caso de no ser tan afectos a un rustico mas rudo y primitivo. Asi se amalgama el estilo con la forma de vida actual y mas urbana.




Las mesas de sitio son muy utiles para cubrir espacios impensados, pero tambien tienen una importante funcion, dan ingreso a la vivienda y nos ubican en ella mostrandonos parte de la historia, del estilo y modos de vida de la familia.

Es el sitio de presentacion de algunos recuerdos, de la ubicacion de cuadros o de flores para decorar. Son interesantes porque se pueden poner en otro estilo un poco mas relajado de todo el estilo de la vivienda.


A Lynn Morgan Room

Is like a candy store.
Her published rooms are faboo!
It's not just the sunny colors in Lynn Morgan's rooms that make one want to exhale, but the designer herself: Relaxed and unpretentious, Morgan brings the tropical colors and effortless living of her native Savannah—where she grew up sailing and crabbing—to the homes she designs from her shingled studio in Rowayton. After 25 years of raising children in Connecticut, the designer and her husband returned to Manhattan with an Upper East Side pied-à-terre.“I needed to push myself away from my regular look,” says Morgan of the Art Deco apartment that she says required “symmetry, simplicity, and sophistication.”  For the palette,she avoided the sea blues, chartreuse greens, and bougainvillea pinks inspired by her coastal upbringing and winters in St. Croix. Instead, she used the grey-and-white awnings of Paris as a starting point for roman shades and pillows,and the black-and-whites of her husband’s City of Light photography collection as foils for bursts of coral and orange. “I like white high-gloss lacquered walls—nothing fussy,” says Morgan. Unafraid to mix high and low, she balances custom pieces with catalog finds. “Simplicity and order—that’s the spirit of a holiday, year-round.” ( as featured in New York Spaces)
"Linens and orange cashmere throw from Bloomingdales. Monograms by Number 411 in Savannah."

I love the metal light fixtures that she has spec'd for most of her kitchens.


I love this room.
It reminds me of Maine.
This one is for you Mom.
(the art work)

This picture is for me.....
I LOVE banquettes. 
And this setting is fabulous with the mix of textures and the antique chairs.
I noticed that most of her walls are pale 
and the color is in the upholstery 
and in the soft goods.
For the most part, I do the reverse.
I put the color on the walls 
and in the occasional soft goods.
ie; pillows, occasional chair fabrics, and any trims that I might use.
They are easily changed
when the client tires of them ( and less costly).
And the biggest impact (I think) 
in a room you can have is a gorgeous paint color.
And if you are going to screw up on anything....
paint is an easy fix, and an easy change 
when you want a new look, and a totally new feel.
And the room is all about 
if you ask me.

Are you all about 'THE FEEL' of your rooms?
Each one of my rooms have different moods, or feelings
 that the colors and pieces set off in me.


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., Lynn Morgan Design, Color, Moods,Feeling

Tuesday, March 30, 2010



Siempre los muros de piedra estan presentes en la decoracion rustica, pero especialmente en el estilo rustico mas actual y vanguardista.

Tanto en lajas cuadradas, rectangulares como las colocadas en finas tiras, son utilizadas en estos muros, es un material acertado ya que no necesita mantenimiento y luce siempre perfecto sobre todo con haces de luz barriendo las paredes.
