Saturday, December 20, 2008

How To Chop Down A Chanukah Bush:

After driving for quite a while , and getting little lost, we spy the Xmas Tree Farm .

Before the fall.

.....and after.
We have found ' THE BUSH.'
( my daughter and me )
My daughter Andi and ' The Nana. '
The cutting down of the tree.

It was about 3 degrees, and I had made a mad dash for the car because my hands were freezing. I turned around and caught this shot of Andi helping Nana back from the Xmas Trees.

This is the machine used to wrap the tree in the plastic netting.

Wouldn't it be just like one of my adventures to find an Xmas Tree Farm owned by a Jewish man from the Bronx ? His name is Lowell and he sold his Xmas Trees to supplement his real job
as a clinical psychologist/social worker.
The tree was nine feet tall, and it was all of $ 30.00 and a tip. Can you believe that ?

A Success,
Three generations on their way at last !

The upside down feet in the second picture was Lowell's idea of funny.
He was a real sweetheart of a guy.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design