Monday, May 4, 2009

One Door Closes....

And the hallway is  Hell !!
When things in life do not go as you planned , like losing a beloved job, or wanting a relationship to work out, that does not.
For ' some ' it can be a constant task to feel as though things will get better. It is the difficult job of putting yourself out there all over again, exposed to the world. 

Willing to be judged, take the hit on the chin if need be, and get right back up again. And for many , only to get smacked down again, and again.
What is it the politicians keep saying in these days ? " It's the fabric America is made of," 
" Americans always persevere. We are hard workers, innovators, winners , and a caring and forgiving people."

It's only when you can see a cracked open door, or a little stream of light, that you can hold on to your ' hope.
But, see it !
We have a big lifestyle  change coming down the American Road , and I for one am happy about it.
I think that we had lost our way, and we are on our way back. 
It may be too slowly for some to be saved financially, but we will find our way back again. Not necessarily because we are Americans, but because we are human.
Let's face it, 'Survival' is the only game in town.
" One door closes, and another door opens ."
Sure the door opens, eventually. Some are lucky right away, and some must polish up their skills 
(or develop them ) of 'patience.' 
Just don't give up before the miracle happens.

images; homes & garden ,trip adviser, web shots

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....