Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Want An ARM Chair

Let ME remind ME that I said this:

" I am not the 'boss of me' anymore.
Was I ever ? Even when I worked for myself....I still really worked for who ever was writing the checks for the furniture and fabrics.
I have promised myself that I will have an attitude of gratitude for this opportunity. A good attitude is the only thing that will make me a success."
I really said that, right?
How quickly I deteriorate when uncomfortable.
Well, it is day 2, and my back and neck are killing me. I am sitting in a side chair for hours. Sometimes going for 2 and 1/2 hours at a stretch without a break.
I have A.D.D.
Need I say more???
There is so much company information to retain, new people,(and you know how stressfull meeting new people is , right ?) ,and then there is homework at night too. When I finally get home after fighting the traffic at 6:30...all I want to do is shower, eat, and sleep. That's all I can handle.
I want to be alone, and VEG OUT. I am on ' information overload'. I am crashing like a computer.
I want to sleep so I can re-boot properly.
Even if I were to sit in this beautiful chair all day....I still need ARMS. My elbows are raw from leaning on the table for support. Yes, I am that sensitive...everywhere!
Okay, now I know I am sounding like a spoiled 'PRINCESS', and even though I am a princess (even if it is only my head)....stick with me here.....
I still must work my way back to REALITY. The reality is that I am grateful for the opportunity to WORK for this wonderful company, and go through their training program.

But, I can complain to you.
Right ?
Here's another reminder to myself....I don't know EVERYTHING.
I have to remain teachable. Humility is a bitch my friends. But oh so necessary if you want to be a likable sort of person. No?
Not to mention, humility is a must when working with and for others.
See...I am getting it back. I feel like I am sounding better already.

I started this post really feeling sorry for myself. I feel better now.
Do I sound better ????

Support me here. I need you.
xx Renee

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom, Side Chairs
