Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday, Monday

My weekly page update:

This week's dose features Hill Hut in Stockholm, Sweden by visiondivision:
this week's dose

The featured past dose is House for a Musician in Scharans, Switzerland by Valerio Olgiati:
featured past dose

This week's book review is Architecture of Change 2: Sustainability and Humanity in the Built Environment edited by Kristin Feireiss and Lukas Feireiss:
this week's book review

Some unrelated links for your enjoyment:
"International contemporary architecture database." (added to sidebar under architectural links::guides)

Chicago Architecture: A Critical Guide by Edward Keegan
"THE iPhone App for better understanding and visiting the buildings of the America's First City for Architecture." (Available at iTunes.)

Drawing Ideas in Perspective
An essay by Alexander Severin on "the absence of spatial representation in architectural discourse."

:output award
An "international student award for young talents in design and architecture." Deadline is February 15.

Unhappy Hipsters
Commentary on photography in Dwell Magazine, subtitled, "It's lonely in the modern world." (Thanks HB!)