Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday Was Just A Lousy Day

This how I wish I could dress for work.
I would at least feel a little protected, 
with my collar up, protective head gear, and bodyguards in top hats

I am going to work today 
at 12:30 pm and will work until 9pm.
Oh yeah....lucky me, I have a job.
Yesterday my boss, who is an owner of this HUGE furniture store 
berated, intimidated, condescended, and mocked me 
when I went in to go over an order with her. 
All this was done with an audience of a co-worker, and office staff .
Sounds like fun right ?
Do any of you know what 'crazy making' is?
This is one CRAZY MAKING BOSS!!!
"Crazy making can happen in a variety of ways. 
For example;
You are lead to believe that he/she changed his/her mind and you accept the last statement as what was meant. But later in the week, when the issue comes up, he/she says, "Well, I already told you such and such" which was the first thing he/she said. In short the discussion with you was set up so that no matter what happened the person can say that he/she did what was agreed. Note: 'crazy making' really will make you crazy after a while.
Crazy making is a guaranteed way to control someone because you can never be right. If a person requires two opposite things from you, point out that this is impossible and that you cannot do this."
I am not very happy this morning thinking about going to work to be ....
'who knows what' by her.
This is an incredibly toxic environment.
I had to leave work yesterday!
I had to just get out of there.... 
So I drove down to the ocean ( how lucky am I? ), smoked a ciggy and cried.
I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and drove right into a big design firm that I have passed a million times.
They are a top,top, top contemporary design firm here in Fla. Fla. land.
*And all over the design mags.
I went in and asked if they were hiring. 
The original owner, the mom, 
who I have known from my years at Bloomie's was sitting right there at the front desk.
She was sweet and asked me to send her my resume, 
and explained (which I knew... and she knew I knew)
' how things are' right now in the economy. 
And that only her son and daughter were working as designers right now.
So, back to work I went.
I felt so much better. 
I walked back into the showroom, held my head high, 
(and I happened to be dressed beautifully, thank g-d., I always feel better when I look sharp) 
and put a big smile on my face.
Through the doors I went, and walked past everyone and back to my office, and back to work I went.

When I take 'action' to try improve my situation, 
I always feel better. Even if I don't get the job, I still feel better.
I will continue to try to change my life for the better.
I will continue to keep my eyes open.
Maybe it's just me, but....
I have a problem when a person thinks they can treat you like an indentured slave.
I am not one.

How have you handled a situation like this?
I am open minded, let me know.

*BTW, the old me would have just quit....
I am not in a situation that I can do that.
But, oh how I wish I could!!!

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., Crazy Making Bosses