Thursday, April 1, 2010

Candide Round Table

A week from today I will be participating in a round table discussion timed to the launch of Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge. The panel focuses on knowledge, writing, and architectural publishing, among other things. I'll be alongside 306090's Emily Abruzzo, Yale's Nina Rappaport, and Columbia's Kazys Varnelis. Between now and then I need to work on de-jangling my public speaking nerves, come up with a brief slideshow on why I do my blog and weekly web page, and think about the questions posed in the press release below. If you attend the discussion be sure to say hi!


8 April, Thursday, 6-8pm
The Glass Corner, Room 206
25 East 13th Street

In an age of seemingly ubiquitous information, data and networks:
What is knowledge?In an age of self-publication and blogs:
Can peer review ensure quality?
Why should architects write when what they do best is design?

Hosted by William R. Morrish, 
Dean, Parsons, School of Constructed Environments
Moderated by Susanne Schindler, 
Editor, Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge

Emily Abruzzo, Editor, 306090, Frequent SCE visiting faculty.
John Hill, Writer and Editor, A Daily Dose of Architecture
Nina Rappaport, Publications Director, Yale School of Architecture, Frequent SCE visiting faculty.
Kazys Varnelis, Director, Network Architecture Lab, Columbia University

Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge
is a peer-reviewed German-English language periodical edited by the Department of Architecture Theory, Faculty of Architecture at RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

For questions or review copies, contact Susanne Schindler