Thursday, August 12, 2010

The August Sale....And My Best White Jacket

I suppose that I have mentioned that every year 
( YES.I made it more than a year....July 14th was 1 year for me)
we have a huge, crazy, nutty sale.
If I haven't mentioned it.....I will now.
It is stressful.
I am so not kidding.
And I know I have mentioned many times what a huge adjustment 
this has been for me to work in sales.
Not just in sales......
But, on the premier, hard core, real deal, best furniture selling job in town.
This takes guts and courage daily.
After all ....
I am just a 'creative type.'
Not really a 'flesh eating' type.

see above-
'flesh eating type'
and hasn't he done well for himself?
see above;
will say or do anything for a sale type.
But this chic is scary. Really scary.
here is the 'will do anything' type.....
When I first started I had a few giving me a hard time,
(see above)
and now they are my allies.
Thank G-d for small favors.
In fact we are pretty close.
And she does look just like that!
And then there is me......
I am freaked out about going into work today.
I have to work late - until 9pm
There are 2, 
I mean 3 people who are deadly towards me 
and I will be working alone with them tonight.
No allies.....
Just me and the other 3 devil dogs.
Wish me luck.....
this is so stressful.
Perhaps I will wear my good white jacket to work today.
What do you say?
At least I will fit in!!!!!

When will August be over ????

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A.,fitting in, working on a sales floor, having and not having allies, stressful environments  Share/Save/Bookmark