How about enjoying the outdoor without really having to be in outside? Well, you can almost say not really outside since you will be protected through this modern glass veranda by OpenSun. Thanks to the glass veranda that makes outdoor enjoyment in a stylish way. OpenSun provide the modern veranda in two designs, one with the 180 degrees view and the other with 360 degrees view where both have the same slide-able glass panels. The only difference is that the other one is in half circle veranda design while the other is completely full circle giving you vista from any angle.
OpenSun also make this glass panel veranda customizable according to your wallet. You can ask them on how big you want this glass veranda to be. So there’s no way of any annoying blistering hot sun burning your skin or a bee sting while you enjoy the vista in your lazy chair. The design is fully attachable, all you need to do is make entrance, you can have outdoor entrance or have a small make over at where this veranda being attached so you can easily enter it from inside the house without having to walk outside. Visit this nice contemporary glass veranda here.
OpenSun Veranda (1)
OpenSun Veranda (2)
OpenSun Veranda (3)
OpenSun Veranda (4)