Sunday, February 8, 2009

Monday, Monday

My weekly page update:
Two Projects by Leven Betts Studio Architects.

This week's book review is Pattern Recognition by David Leven and Stella Betts. (For those in New York City, a book launch will be held on Wednesday Friday evening at Parsons New School.)

Some unrelated links for your enjoyment:
Postopolis! LA
"A live 5-day blogathon in Los Angeles with back-to-back discussions, interviews, panels, slideshows, films and parties designed to push the architecture and landscape conversation from virtual to reality."

A New Infrastructure
"SCIFI (Southern California Institute of Future Initiatives) program at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) and The Architect’s Newspaper are sponsoring an open ideas competition for architects, engineers, urban planners and students to propose new ideas for LA County’s transit infrastructure.

Channel Beta TV
"Information channel on contemporary architecture." (added to sidebar under architectural links::online journals)

Fantastic Journal
"Excitingly random words on architecture design and other things too." (added to sidebar under blogs::architecture)