Monday, January 11, 2010

20 Secrets To Happiness

For A Happy & Successful
New Year 

Return everything you borrow.
"I do, actually I do not borrow at all."

Stop blaming other people.
"I try to take responsibility for all my actions, 
and let's face it....
even if it is someone else's fault, 
I should have known better."

Live within your means and within your seams.
"This is a  life long struggle for me. 
There are so many beautiful 'things', 
and such excellent fudge cake out there "

Be humble.
"Oh, I am humble alright.....who wouldn't be in this economy"

Listen more; talk less.
"I work on this constantly....
I have learned to be quiet and HEAR the other person.
You know, if you really listen, 
a person will really tell you WHO THEY ARE."

Every day, do something nice and try not to get caught.
"This is a hard one, 
and if you don't know why.....
try it"

Strive for excellence, not perfection.
"Uh Oh.....let's just say. 
I am working on this one too."

Be on time.
"I am always on time. 
It drives me crazy to sit and wait for someone.
We all know chronically late people.....
it is all about their 'CONTROL' issues you know.
Maybe this should say, 
' Be tolorant of the chronically late' people '. "

Don't criticize anyone for 24 hours.
"OMG, a hideous flaw of mine
I am always criticizing others and myself.
(even if it is only in my head most of the time)
I mean can you imagine me not?
I mean if no one is making me laugh, 
I have to humor myself."

Be kind to other people.
" I am. 
But would someone please pass this on 
to the rude and mean people. 

Be even kinder to unkind people.
"Boy oh boy, I try....
I take the high road. 
But I can never run fast enough 
down that road to get away."

Take time to be alone.
"This I do WAY TOO MUCH."

Admit it when you make a mistake.
"This I am good at. 
It ends the conversation. Right?"

Understand and accept that life isn't always fair.
" DUH !!!!"

Let someone cut ahead of you in line.
"It feels good, especially if they are old"

Don't argue.
"This girl HATES confrontation. 
But it is not a great idea to back me into a corner." 

Know when to say something.
"Again, This is the easy one."

Know when to keep your mouth shut.
"This is the hard one."

Don't make excuses.
" Again.....
it's probably my fault.
I should have known better."

Don't sweat the small stuff.
"I learned this little chant from a yogi (LOL) 
I say to myself 
'How important is it really?'
It has been pointed out to me that
the world will ' keep keepin' on ' 
no matter what the outcome.
And I have to believe ( to remain sane )
That if things don't turn out the way I want them to...
maybe, just maybe G-d is protecting me from something.

This sounds great in theory....
is this do-able for you?

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Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., 20 secrets to happiness