Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Accessorizing Your Walls - Project It!

You can definitely eye-roll on this one, because I should have expanded more on this in yesterday's post rather than doing another post on it today. I told you that the first image in that post had been projected on the wall using an overhead projector and traced with chalk. This may have already occurred to you, but I thought I'd do a quick post to point out that this method can also be used with paint.

Just a Girl created this adorable tree mural for her daughters room using an overhead projector and transparency. There's a complete tutorial on her site.

This overhead projector method isn't limited to art for children's rooms. I don't have a photo of it, but years ago I helped decorate a small church that was looking for something to fill the blank wall behind the pulpit. I chose a pretty font and typed up a scripture in Microsoft Word and then printed it out on a transparency using my ink jet printer. Projected the words on the wall using an old overhead projector that the church had, traced it with a paint pen and then just colored it in (with the same paint pen). It was SO simple and, because I didn't do it freehand (which would have been a disaster), it looked professionally done. You can use this method for any room in your house, using any image or font that appeals to you that can be printed on a transparency, from simple to complicated. I used the church's overhead projector, but you should be able to rent one locally or maybe you could borrow one from a library, church or school.

Speaking of cute rooms with trees, I just had to share this cute nursery that Design Dazzle featured where they not only painted a tree on the wall, but gave it more dimension by taping fake peonies to the tree with double sided tape.

Linking to Works for Me Wednesday at We Are That Family.