Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today's archidose #292

Here's a couple of views of 290 Mulberry Street in New York City by SHoP Architects. Photographs are by occam.

296 Mulberry St.

296 Mulberry St.

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Today's archidose #291

Here's a couple of buildings in Phnom Penh, Cambodia by Vann Molyvann. Photographs are by jiattison. See also New Khmer Architecture.

ornamental functionalism
[Institute of Foreign Languages at the Royal University of Phnom Penh]

the porous temple
[Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium]

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Terminam hoje os Saldos

Hoje termina o periodo de saldos de inverno. Serve o presente post para agradecer a todos os nossos clientes e amigos que nos visitaram neste periodo, onde adquiriram artigos com valores inferiores aos practicados durante o ano. Mas hoje ainda podem deslocar-se à nossa loja e aproveitar esta fantastica oportunidade de comprar grandes marcas com valores apelativos.
Venha visitar-nos e aproveite os ultimos grandes descontos.
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Friday, February 27, 2009

Decoracion de dormitorios: Un toque de humor antes de dormir

Imagínate al ir a acostarte y retiras el cubre cama y ves estos cómicas cojines, no puedes hacer más nada que reír.
Estos divertidos cojines son una colección de Matt Jones, llamada Pop Pillows. Son unos cojines reversibles con diferentes temas para elegir, Noise Pollution, Angel and devil y Dead tired.
Mira con que detalle puedes darle un poco de humos a tu cabeza, casi como una fotografía, estos cojines brindan un aire lúdico a un simple hecho cotidiano.

Fuente: Designsen.

Decoracion de interiores en blanco y negro

La sala, posee como centro de atención un sofá con piel de vaca, muy llamativa, acompañada por una chimenea y dos clásicos de Mies Van der Rohe (aquellos del pabellón de Barcelona) pero, por supuesto, "aggiornados".
Pero una mezcla ecléctica es lo llamativo, porque en este blanco espacio con objetos que juegan con su contraste, encontramos unos muebles de estilo clásico, en color madera.
Unas hermosas sillas en color negro con patas en madera, acompañan a una mesa rectangular de vidrio.
El color principal, generalmente es el blanco, el negro sería correr un riesgo importante.
El baño y el dormitorio, poseen un diseño más despojado y minimalista. Y para este tipo de decoración, el blanco y negro, son ideales.

...Nothing But A Fig Leaf

At the Palm Beach Annual Arts and Antiques Show,

I saw something that stirred a sweet childhood memory.

When I was little, I lived with my Grandmother ( I called her Bebe ) she was so beautiful and sweet. I was an only child, so needless to say, Bebe indulged me in many ways.
We had a huge wisteria hedge, and there was an opening in this hedge where I would hold court with my imaginary friends ( don't worry, there were only 2, and it was age appropriate for a 4 or 5 year old ).

When lunch time came around,

my Bebe would bring me little cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off ( I hated crust ).
She would hand little sandwiches to my 'friends' as well.

And I remember , even at the time , how sweet she was.

Bebe would look right into the faces of these imaginary friends, and ask them questions and talk to them, while nodding and smiling.
Don't you love her ???

I did, and I always felt loved by her.
This woman was so kind and loving to me.

I loved her more than anything in the whole world.

Spoken just like a child , I know.

Anyway, this is the 'something' that stirred my memories. I found this an amazing piece of functioning ART !

The Brilliant Artist is Tord Boontje

The Fig Leaf by Tord Boontje for Meta
Nominated for the Brit Insurance Furniture Award 2009

How is this for a fabulous coat closet. I can see a few furs hanging right now....

I can also see myself hiding inside, while my Bebe brings me and my little friends tea and tiny sandwiches

This is exquisite workmanship in my eyes.

The element of whimsy , makes it feel timeless to me .

Like the The Mad Hatter at The 'Mad Tea Party' is timeless.

The Devil is in THE DETAILS.

To me, this looks just like the under-side , or my secret place, in the wisteria hedge.

"The monumental fig-leaf encrusted doors open to reveal a bronze tree arching up and outward against the background of a peaceful landscape in silk. The Fig Leaf wardrobe reflects a time when craftsmen vied to outdo each other in demonstrating their skills in the hope of attracting wealthy patrons. This piece is widely viewed by the talented artisans who have undertaken its challenge as one of the most difficult and exceptionally finished enamel works of recent memory.
The 616 hand-painted enamel leaves, varying across 10 basic shapes, and each with a unique colour-way, use no ‘transfers’ which are otherwise the mainstay of nearly all enamels done today, but instead rely solely on hand painting of both front and back – another exceptional undertaking as rarely do makers apply as much attention to both sides of an enamel work. The colours used are bespoke mixes and not otherwise available. The overall size of the larger leaves as well as the enormous surface area to be painted were originally thought impossible tasks, but with ingenuity and perseverance, this has been overcome. The delicacy of essentially 616 pieces of glass suspended individually from a complicated tangle of hand-formed supporting vines required development of a novel mapping and hanging system. The matching of colours across bronzes, silks, enamels and iron challenged the ateliers to develop new techniques for finishing and matching.The interior is dominated by a lifelike lost wax bronze cast of a hand-carved tree upon which to hang clothing. The interior back-drop and base are upholstered in a custom hand-dyed and woven silk with an earth-to-sky motif. Each wardrobe also includes a bespoke bronze hanger as well as a custom set of handmade tools for adjustments and maintenance. The exterior rear of the wardrobe is finished with a hand-stippled trompe l’oeil."

Tord Boontje
Tord Boontje has long cultivated a delicate marriage of design with emotion that is as broadly accessible as it is enticing. His work draws from a belief that modernism does not mean minimalism, that contemporary does not forsake tradition, and that technology does not abandon people and senses. Boontje’s designs often temper edges with softness, borrow inspiration from nature, and employ a décor of forms and layers to engage and
entice an observer’s imagination and emotions.
Many of his seminal works are held in public collections throughout the world including multiple pieces in London’s Victoria & Albert Museum, The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the Groninger Museum. Tord has received a number of public and private commissions and clients include Alexander McQueen, Murray Moss, Pearl Lam, Nadja Swarovski, and Ian Schrager.
Tord Boontje was born in Enschede, Netherlands in 1968. He first studied industrial design at the Design Academy in Eindhoven (1986 –1991). Following several internships, including Alessandro Mendini’s Studio in Milan, he returned to studying and completed a Masters at the Royal College of Art in London (1992 - 1994). He later taught at the same school on invitation from Ron Arad who was Professor of Design Products at the time, before eventually establishing his own studio in 1996. Tord Boontje lived and worked in London from 1995 to 2005 and currently lives and works in Saint Etienne, France with his wife and daughter. A biography of Tord’s work was published by Rizzoli New York in 2007.
dutch born
Meta's blue-sky philosophy allowed Tord Boontje's limitless imagination "a unique opportunity to design very special pieces in the knowledge that they are realized without any compromise but every time enriched by the most skilled hands".

Part of the assembly process.

Can you imagine the task at hand ??


Tiny, Tiny, Tiny and tedious, tedious.

The enameling process.
Thanks for indulging me. Have a sweet weekend.

For More: and then just poke around

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

Candeeiro / Lamp Foscarini Caboche

Foscarini - Caboche, de design moderno este candeeiro de tecto difunde a sua luz de forma espantosa que deixará os seus amigos de boca aberta! Composto por globos transparentes de polimetilmetacrilato; é mais uma das excelentes criações da famosa designer Patricia Urquiola e em co-autoria com Eliana Gerotto. Lançado em 2006, este é um candeeiro fantástico para iluminar qualquer área da sua casa ou do escritório.

Foscarini - Caboche, Modern Designer Pendant Light This 'Caboche' modern designer pendant light, is certainly a ‘wow-factor’ suspension lamp! Composed of transparent globes made of polymethylmetacrylate; by hot designer Patricia Urquiola and co-creating with Eliana Gerotto. Launched in 2006, this is a fantastic piece to illuminate any area of the home or office.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Camas Reclináveis / Wall Bed Unit

Esta cama reclinavel pode ser complementada com um confortável sofá ou uma secretária, a unidade transforma-se com um simples movimento numa cama king size, é adequada para uso diário, o sofá é totalmente desmontável e é lavavel dependendo do tecido selecionado.

This wall bed unit can be fronted with or without a comfortable sofa or desk, the unit transforms with one simple movement into a UK king size bed "slatted base" that is suitable for every day use, sofa covers are fully removable and can be washed or dry-cleaned depending on the selected fabric.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ecological Urbanism

This Harvard GSD conference in a little over a month is timely and packed with a strong list of speakers, most GSD faculty, naturally.


Ecological Urbanism: Alternative and Sustainable Cities of the Future

The conference will bring together design practitioners and theorists, economists, engineers, environmental scientists, politicians and public health specialists, with the goal of reaching a more robust understanding of ecological urbanism and what it might be in the future.

April 3-5, 2009

Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street,
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Limited space—Register Now

Early Bird Registration (before March 10, 2009): $100
Standard Registration (after March 10, 2009): $125
Students: $20


Rem Koolhaas
Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Professor in Practice of Architecture and Urban Design, Harvard University GSD

Homi Bhabha
Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities, Director of the Humanities Center at Harvard University
(via Dexigner)

Siza Vieira recebeu hoje medalha da Rainha Isabel II

O arquitecto português Siza Vieira recebeu hoje em Londres o prémio Medalha de Ouro Real de 2009 pela sua contribuição para a arquitectura internacional, distinção atribuída pelo Instituto Real dos Arquitectos Britânicos, em nome da Rainha Isabel II.

Álvaro Siza Vieira, 75 anos, junta a Medalha de Ouro Real a importantes prémios internacionais da área, com destaque para o Prémio Pritzker (1992), considerado o Nobel da Arquitectura, três prémios Secil (1996, 2000 e 2006) e Prémio Wolf, categoria de Artes (2001). O prémio é dedicado à família e em especial aos filhos. Siza Vieira tem dois filhos, Álvaro Leite Siza, também arquitecto, e Joana Marinho Leite Siza, fruto do casamento com Maria Antónia Siza, falecida em 1973.

A obra do arquitecto pode ser encontrada em vários pontos do mundo, como por exemplo no Brasil, Coreia do Sul, Espanha, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Finlândia ou Itália.Actualmente o arquitecto tem vários projectos parados ou suspensos devido a dificuldades dos promotores.

"Eu tenho vários casos, sobretudo em Espanha, onde tenho trabalhado bastante", referiu o arquitecto portuense. Para ele a culpa é da fórmula de investimento usada, em que os bancos podem deixar de fornecer financiamento, mesmo a empresas fortes, como era o caso. Entre 1980 e 1984 Siza Vieira trabalhou no edifício de habitação Bonjour Tristesse, em Berlim, Alemanha. Em 1988 iniciou o projecto para o Centro Galego de Arte Contemporânea, em Santiago de Compostela, Espanha, que viria a ser finalizado em 2003.

Ainda em território espanhol, Siza Vieira realizou um estudo urbanístico geral para Expo de Sevilha, que teve lugar em 1992. 2008 viu o arquitecto edificar a nova sede da Fundação Iberê Camargo, em Porto Alegre, Brasil e a Faculdade de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Lleida, na Catalunha, Espanha. Entre outros grandes projectos internacionais de Siza Vieira encontram-se a Faculdade de Ciências da Informação, em Santiago de Compostela, Espanha, o Paul Getty Museum, em Santa Mónica, Estados Unidos, e o Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Helsínquia, na Finlândia.A Medalha de Ouro Real é atribuída desde 1848 e no passado distinguiu arquitectos como Frank Lloyd Wright (1941), Le Corbusier (1953), Frank Gehry (2000) e Oscar Niemeyer (1998). Em 2008, o galardoado foi o britânico Edward Cullinan. Álvaro Siza Vieira destacou à Agência Lusa no passado mês de Janeiro a "satisfação" por receber um prémio de "muito prestígio" como a Medalha de Ouro Real.


Today's archidose #290

Construction of the Wainright Building in St. Louis, Missouri by Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan, 1890-1891.

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The Pits

Sometime in the 1970's 'Pit Seating ' or 'Modular Sofa's ' became popular.

Gotta' tell ya' , I never liked it.

But mainly because people would just put this giant BROWN U shaped sofa ( the color of the 70's ) in the middle of their living rooms.

Then again, I was not a designer yet, I was just a teenager, and I guess I was hanging out with the wrong crowd......

People with ZERO DESIGN SENSE, or put more simply, people with no sense of style .
And in my opinion, a fate worse than death !

Anyway, I love this room,.

When you use individual pieces, like a sofa , end tables, chairs and ottomans, you need space.
It seems this room has little, but it does have great elements to it.
Like the exposed brick, and the stairs with the library style book-case.

I think this seating style is absolutely the very best choice for the space.

If there were a giant TV in this room , you could have great movie parties
with your best girlfriends ( or boyfriends ).
This PIT SEATING arrangement, is big AND COZY.

You just need a few bowls of Kettle Corn and Raisinettes, beverages , soft pillows , a few throws ( for the freeze babies ), and you would be ready to HIT PLAY.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

Kartell Cadeira /Chair Mademoiselle

Cadeira Mademoiselle da Kartell. O Brilho, as cores modernas e simples, com um design linear transformam a Mademoiselle numa cadeira chique e luxuosa. A sua estruturaé resultado da injecção de um molde de policarbonato sobre a qual um banco de poliuretano é expandido e colocado. O assento é estofado com 100% poliéster Kvadrat ® tecidos em cores sólidas, tornando o seu estilo ideal para locais de negócios ou ambientes mais formais. O tecido é invulgarmente espesso e macio, tornando-o tão confortável como atraente para os seus olhos. Desenhada por Philippe Starck, 2003.

kartell mademoiselle chair, Bright, modern colors and a streamlined, linear design make the Mademoiselle Chair a chic and luxurious choice for seating. Its frame is an injected mold of polycarbonate upon which a seat of expanded polyurethane is placed. The seat is upholstered with 100% polyester Kvadrat® fabrics in solid colors, making this style ideal for business or formal settings. The fabric is unusually thick and soft, making this chair as comfortable as it is appealing to the eye. Designed by Philippe Starck, 2003.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cadeiras / Chairs Contract Jaime Hayon

BD Barcelona, Jaime Hayon, Como um exemplo ideal para utilização em espaços interiores e ao ar livre no jardim, num terraço, a piscina, o restaurante e ou no hotel, a versão base da cadeira Showtime existente em dois acabamentos. Feitas de polietileno de média densidade, está disponível como uma cadeira simples ou dupla, com uma cobertura opcional para o modelo único, que o protege do sol oucriar espaços privados. Disponivel em três cores - laranja, areia e azul-cinzento - a cadeira é complementada por um quadrado, redondo ou octogonal início em numa escolha de mármore branco ou preto HPL. A base e a coluna é feita de alumínio e pintados com uma gama de cores com um acabamento texturizado. Uma versão mais sofisticada da cadeira é o lacado de alto brilho e com estofos de pele e a possibilidade de combinar cores.

BD Barcelona, Jaime Hayon, As an example and ideal for use indoors and outdoors in the garden, the terrace, the swimming pool, the restaurant and the hotel, the basic version of the Showtime armchair comes in two styles. Made out of medium-density polyethylene, it's available as a single chair or a double, with an optional cover for the single model to either shelter from the sun or create ones own private space. Offered in a choice of three colours - orange, sand and blue-gray - the armchair is complemented by a two-height table available with a square, round or octagonal top in a choice of white marble or black HPL. The base and column are made of aluminium and painted in a range of colours with a textured finish. A more sophisticated version of the armchair is gloss lacquered and comes with leather upholstery and the option of combining colours.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not So Secret Compartments

These are the 'not so secret compartments' I could keep my papers in.

Papers with my little stories on them , about my little experiences ,and my little & big feelings about those experiences.

Some stories I will read again and again, and some I will conveniently never find again.

One of my little stories will be so shocking that I will have to rest here.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design
